Julien Denize

I am a Machine Learing Engineer at the CEA List since February 2024. I am in charge of developing an MLOps task in a R&D service of 80 people to build new cool AI models in NLP and Computer Vision. To do so, I increase my skills in Software Engineering and DevOps with currently a primary focus on Machine Learning. I also help scaling research scientist’s POCs.

Previously, I obtained a PhD by working in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Vision et d’Apprentissage pour l’analyse de scène(LVA) in CEA List and the Laboratoire d’informatique, du Traitement de l’Information et des Systèmes(LITIS) in INSA Rouen. My thesis subject was “Self-supervised representation learning and applications for image and video analysis”. I worked under the supervision of Romain Hérault, Jaonary Rabarisoa and Astrid Orcesi.

I got a Master of Engineering in Computer Science from Télécom SudParis with a major in Artificial Intelligence. I completed my diploma with a 6-months research internship focused on “People re-identification and cross-domain adaptation via generative models”.

I would be more than happy to hear from you, do not hesitate to contact me !