How to document


This folder aims to provide documentation to help you use Eztorch. It contains several examples of scripts as well as various advice to use the library.


In examples/, you will find concrete examples of how to use Eztorch.

In, we explain how Eztorch is structured so you can find easily the functions or classes you are looking for and where to contribute.

Comment your code

Please, if you contribute to Eztorch, be sure to comment your code to ensure that others can read it.


All functions and classes in Pytorch should be documented using the Google napoleon style.

For functions here is an example:

def get_cutest_animal(
    animal_list: List[str],
    is_cat_person: bool = True
) -> str:
    Get the cutest animal.

        animal_list: The list of potential animals.
        is_cat_person: If True, the user prefers cats over dogs.

        The cutest animal, which is dog.

    # We don't care about the list or the person preference.
    if is_cat_person:
        print("Why ?")

    return "dog"


This documentation is made using Sphinx and should be updated using it.