Source code for eztorch.datasets.decoders.frame_spot_video

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable

import torch

from eztorch.datasets.decoders.frame_video import GeneralFrameVideo
from eztorch.datasets.utils_fn import get_video_to_frame_path_fn
from eztorch.utils.mask import mask_tube_in_sequence

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class FrameSpotVideo(GeneralFrameVideo): """FrameSpotVideo is an abstractions for accessing clips based on their start and end time for a video where each frame is stored as an image. Args: video_path: The path of the video. num_frames: The number of frames of the video. transform: The transform to apply to the frames. video_frame_to_path_fn: A function that maps from the video path and a frame index integer to the file path where the frame is located. num_threads_io: Controls whether parallelizable io operations are performed across multiple threads. num_threads_decode: Controls whether parallelizable decode operations are performed across multiple threads. num_decode: Number of decode to perform. If > 1, the videos decoded are stored in a list. mask_ratio: Masking ratio for the video. mask_ratio: Sequence tube size for masking the video. min_clip_duration: The minimum duration of a clip. decode_float: Whether to decode the clip as float. """ def __init__( self, video_path: str | Path, num_frames: int, transform: Callable | None = None, video_frame_to_path_fn: Callable[[str, int], int] = get_video_to_frame_path_fn( zeros=6, incr=0 ), num_threads_io: int = 0, num_threads_decode: int = 0, num_decode: int = 1, mask_ratio: float = 0.0, mask_tube: int = 2, min_clip_duration: float = 0, decode_float: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__( num_threads_io=num_threads_io, num_threads_decode=num_threads_decode, transform=transform, ) self._num_frames = num_frames self._decode_float = decode_float self._video_frame_to_path_fn = video_frame_to_path_fn self._video_path = video_path self._name: Path = Path(Path(self._video_path).name) / Path( ) self._num_decode = num_decode self._mask_ratio = mask_ratio self._mask_tube = mask_tube self._min_clip_duration = min_clip_duration @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the video.""" return self._name @property def duration(self) -> int: return self._num_frames def get_frame_indices( self, start_frame: int, end_frame: int, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Retrieves frame indices from the stored video at the specified starting frame and end frame. Args: start_frame: The clip start frame end_frame: The clip end frame Returns: The frame indices. """ if ( start_frame < 0 or start_frame >= self._num_frames or end_frame >= self._num_frames ): logger.warning( f"No frames found within {start_frame} and {end_frame} seconds. Video starts " f"at frame 0 and ends at {self._num_frames}." ) return None video_frame_indices = torch.arange(start_frame, end_frame + 1) if ( self._min_clip_duration > 0 and len(video_frame_indices) < self._min_clip_duration ): num_lacking_frames = self._min_clip_duration - len(video_frame_indices) if start_frame == 0: video_frame_indices = [ torch.zeros( num_lacking_frames, dtype=video_frame_indices.dtype ), video_frame_indices, ] ) else: video_frame_indices = [ video_frame_indices, torch.tensor( [ video_frame_indices[-1] for _ in range(num_lacking_frames) ], dtype=video_frame_indices.dtype, ), ] ) return video_frame_indices def get_clip( self, start_frame: float, end_frame: float, ) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor | None | list[torch.Tensor]]: """Retrieves frames from the stored video at the specified starting and ending frames. Args: start_frame: The clip start frame end_frame: The clip end frame Returns: A dictionary containing the clip data and information. """ frame_indices = self.get_frame_indices(start_frame, end_frame) if self._mask_ratio > 0: t = frame_indices.shape[0] ( _, indices_kept, inversed_temporal_masked_indices, _, ) = mask_tube_in_sequence(self._mask_ratio, self._mask_tube, t, "cpu") frame_indices_to_decode = frame_indices[indices_kept] else: frame_indices_to_decode = frame_indices clip_paths = [self._video_frame_to_path(i) for i in frame_indices_to_decode] clip_frames = self._load_images_with_retries( clip_paths, ) clip_frames = clip_frames.permute(1, 0, 2, 3) if self._decode_float: clip_frames = if self._num_decode > 1: videos = [clip_frames for _ in range(self._num_decode)] else: videos = clip_frames out = { "video": videos, "frame_start": frame_indices[0].item(), "frame_end": frame_indices[-1].item(), "frame_indices": frame_indices, } if self._mask_ratio > 0.0: out["inversed_temporal_masked_indices"] = inversed_temporal_masked_indices return out def _video_frame_to_path(self, frame_index: int) -> str: return self._video_frame_to_path_fn(self._video_path, frame_index)